Members Statement – Ramadan

Kim O’KEEFFE (Shepparton) (13:21): I wish to congratulate Ahmadiyya Muslim Community on their iftar interfaith dinner bringing our broader and diverse community together to share their tradition of breaking the fast during Ramadan. I am so proud of how our community come together to celebrate our varied cultures and their traditions in such an inclusive…

Members Statement – Kelly’s Ride

Kim O’KEEFFE (Shepparton) (13:20): When much-loved local Kelly Ramadge was diagnosed with breast cancer mid last year her two nephews Rick and Ben wanted to do something in support. They decided they would do Kelly’s Ride, a 280-kilometre cycling road trip raising awareness for breast cancer and raising funds for Breast Cancer Network Australia, who…

Petitions – Unborn Babies

Kim O’KEEFFE (Shepparton) presented a petition bearing 280 signatures: Issue: This petition of residents in Victoria draws to the attention of the Legislative Assembly that unborn babies are not classed as human beings by the law. On the 20th of October 2023 my wife was caught in a tragic car accident. Not only was she…